Collection: Amphibole

Our Amphibole collection is a unique offering of rare and powerful crystals that can enhance your spiritual journey. Amphibole is a type of quartz that is often found inclusions of other minerals like Limonite, Hematite, and Kaolinite. These inclusions give each piece of Amphibole its own unique energy and appearance.

Amphibole is associated with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, making it a powerful crystal for spiritual growth and intuition. It can help to stimulate and activate the pineal gland, which is responsible for regulating our sleep and wake cycles, and enhancing our psychic abilities.

Other crystals that compliment Amphibole include Clear Quartz, Amethyst, and Labradorite. Clear Quartz is a powerful amplifier that can enhance the energy of any crystal it is paired with. Amethyst can help to balance and open the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, making it an excellent companion for Amphibole. Labradorite is also known for its ability to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness, making it a perfect pairing for Amphibole.

Amphibole is also believed to have a range of physical healing properties. It can help to alleviate respiratory problems, boost the immune system, and improve overall physical health. It is also believed to be useful in treating conditions like depression, anxiety, and stress.

In addition to its healing properties, Amphibole is also a beautiful crystal to add to any collection. Its unique appearance and energy make it a powerful tool for spiritual growth and transformation. Our collection features a variety of Amphibole crystals, including polished stones, rough pieces, and jewelry. Each piece is hand-selected for its high quality and unique properties. Shop now to experience the transformative energy of Amphibole for yourself.

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