Collection: Tourmaline

Welcome to our collection of Tourmaline products! Tourmaline is a powerful crystal that is believed to have a variety of healing and metaphysical properties. It is a mineral that comes in a range of colors, including black, pink, green, blue, and watermelon.

Our collection includes a variety of Tourmaline products, including polished stones, raw specimens, and jewelry. Each piece has been carefully selected for its high quality and unique beauty.

Tourmaline is associated with several chakras, depending on its color. Black Tourmaline is known to work with the Root chakra, providing grounding and protection, while green Tourmaline is associated with the Heart chakra, promoting emotional healing and abundance. Pink Tourmaline is linked to the Heart and Crown chakras, enhancing compassion and spiritual awareness.

Tourmaline is also known to work well with other crystals, such as Quartz, Amethyst, and Citrine. These crystals can help to amplify the healing properties of Tourmaline and provide additional support for specific intentions.

Some of the well-known localities for Tourmaline include Brazil, Madagascar, and the United States. In Brazil, it is found in the Minas Gerais region and is known for its stunning watermelon variety, which has pink and green hues.

In addition to its metaphysical properties, Tourmaline is also believed to have physical healing benefits. It is said to be useful for treating issues related to the nervous system, as well as promoting healthy sleep patterns and reducing stress and anxiety.

Whether you are new to working with healing crystals or are an experienced practitioner, our collection of Tourmaline products is sure to provide the support and healing you need. Shop our selection today to find the perfect piece to add to your collection of crystals and healing tools.