Collection: Charoite

Welcome to our collection of charoite crystals, the perfect addition to any crystal enthusiast's collection. Charoite is a rare and beautiful crystal that is known for its unique swirls of purple, white, and black. It is believed to have powerful healing properties that can benefit both the physical and spiritual body.

Charoite is associated with the crown, third eye, and heart chakras. It is said to promote spiritual growth and enhance intuition, making it a popular choice for those interested in metaphysical practices. In addition to its spiritual benefits, charoite is believed to have physical healing properties that can help with issues such as headaches, insomnia, and anxiety.

Complimentary crystals that work well with charoite include amethyst, clear quartz, and sodalite. Amethyst is also associated with the third eye and crown chakras, making it a powerful tool for spiritual growth and intuition. Clear quartz is known as the "master healer" and can be used to amplify the effects of other crystals, while sodalite is said to promote inner peace and emotional balance.

We offer a variety of charoite products in our collection, including raw crystals, tumbled stones, and jewelry. Our raw charoite crystals are perfect for meditation or as a decorative piece in your home. Our tumbled charoite stones are great for carrying with you throughout the day or placing on the body during a healing session. Our charoite jewelry is both beautiful and functional, allowing you to wear this powerful crystal close to your heart.

All of our crystals are ethically sourced and of the highest quality. We believe in the power of healing crystals and are passionate about sharing their benefits with others. Whether you are a seasoned crystal enthusiast or just beginning your journey with metaphysical practices, our collection of charoite products has something for everyone.