Collection: Jade

Jade is a beloved gemstone that has been used in jewelry and healing practices for centuries. It is known for its gentle yet powerful energy, making it a popular choice among crystal enthusiasts. Jade is associated with the heart chakra, promoting love, healing, and balance.

In addition to its heart chakra association, Jade is also believed to have a connection to the third eye chakra, enhancing intuition and clarity of thought. This makes it an excellent stone for meditation and spiritual growth.

Other crystals that complement Jade include rose quartz, amethyst, and clear quartz. Rose quartz amplifies Jade's energy of love and healing, while amethyst enhances its connection to the third eye chakra. Clear quartz can also amplify Jade's energy, making it an excellent choice for those who want to enhance the properties of their Jade crystal.

Jade comes in many different colors, including green, white, and black. Each color has its unique properties and associations. Green Jade is the most common and is associated with abundance, prosperity, and good luck. White Jade is associated with purity, clarity, and spiritual protection, while black Jade is believed to protect against negativity and promote grounding and stability.

In our collection of Jade crystals, we offer a variety of different shapes and sizes, including polished stones, beads, and pendants. Our Jade products are sourced from high-quality mines and are hand-selected to ensure the best quality for our customers.

Whether you are looking to add to your crystal collection, decorate your space, or use Jade for its healing properties, our collection has something for everyone. Browse our selection today and experience the magic of Jade for yourself.