Collection: Megalodon Teeth

Megalodon Teeth are powerful and fascinating ancient relics that have been revered for centuries for their metaphysical properties. As a fossilized tooth from the massive prehistoric shark species, Megalodon Teeth are believed to possess strong energy and provide a wide range of healing benefits.

Megalodon Teeth are commonly associated with the Root chakra, which is responsible for grounding, stability, and physical energy. This chakra is located at the base of the spine and is often associated with the Earth element. Megalodon Teeth are believed to help balance and activate this chakra, providing a sense of groundedness, stability, and physical energy.

In addition to their Root chakra association, Megalodon Teeth are also said to have a connection with the Throat chakra, which is responsible for communication, self-expression, and speaking one's truth. This chakra is located in the throat area and is associated with the element of sound. Megalodon Teeth are believed to enhance communication skills and promote clear expression of thoughts and feelings.

When paired with other crystals, Megalodon Teeth can further amplify their healing properties. Crystals that complement Megalodon Teeth include Black Tourmaline, which can provide protection from negative energy, and Clear Quartz, which amplifies the energy of other crystals. Additionally, Hematite can provide grounding energy and help balance the Root chakra, while Lapis Lazuli can enhance communication skills and promote spiritual growth.

In our collection of Megalodon Teeth products, you'll find a range of sizes and shapes, from small fragments to large and impressive specimens. Whether you're a collector or a spiritual practitioner, Megalodon Teeth can be a powerful addition to your crystal collection, providing physical and spiritual grounding, communication skills, and protection from negative energy.